Star Auto Spa i Yonkers

Forenede StaterStar Auto Spa



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999, Saw Mill River Road, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-963-8787
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.969586, Longitude: -73.869061

kommentar 5

  • en

    DAK K


    Quick oil change. Very reasonable. Car wash is usually pretty good. Sometimes they might miss vacuuming a spot but overall I am very satisfied with this place.

  • James Salvio

    James Salvio


    Worst car wash hands down, paid for their best and got their worst. My fabric mats are missing and they claim there was no mats. The worst!!!!!!!

  • Luis Lithgow

    Luis Lithgow


    The price is ok Ave the finishing job is the same as the price. Nothing really to rave about. Front desk lady is really nice, unless it's the other one who's constantly is on her phone and ignoring customers.

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    Randy G


    All the people on the car wash line work extremely hard. I’ll be back.

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    Kelley Smith


    Went to check this place out because it's on my way to work and the one closest to my house is a little pricy... This place was amazing! I pulled up and just asked for an exterior... It was my lucky day, Wednesday is "Ladies Day" and you get the next level up for the same price as an exterior, awesome!!! Super affordable, way better than the one near my house. Also, normally car washes just towel dry the car when it comes out and wash the Windows. These guys took it to the next level and were scraping the bugs off my window with a razor if they didn't come off during the car wash! Definitely going back.

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