Staples w Glendale

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

870, South Colorado Boulevard, 80246, Glendale, Arapahoe County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 303-758-9900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.700607, Longitude: -104.939915

komentarze 5

  • Jauna Donahue

    Jauna Donahue


    Have come to this staples anytime I needed something printed, they recently changed the process on how you go about this. Before, they would print whatever for you, you only had to email them the document. NOW, They make you send the documents to an email, wait for a code via email response, go over to the copier, put a credit card in the machine to verify you have $5 to spend, and then jump through a 5 step process to access the email attachment to print it. Cool, whatever. But the machine wouldnt work for me and nobody seemed to care. SO I tried logging into my Google drive on said machine to access the file, and it only loads 10 random files from the drive and of course the one that I needed did not show up. Left with nothing and spent 30 plus mins trying to print one thing. Would rather just purchase a printer next time from office depot.

  • en

    Ow C


    Called in trying to get confirmation on a package that should have been sent today and Cathy was not able to check asking me to check on line when first thing I did was check on line which was why I called. Cathy was extremely rude making it sound like I was asking for the biggest favor when all it was was to look in to a box and confirm pick up. I wish Office Depot did UPS I know I would have this issue there since they are a lot more professional.

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    Erik Calhoun


    Shawn was awesome!!! He hooked me up with next day delivery. This allowed me to keep my promise!

  • Kelly Hurlburt

    Kelly Hurlburt


    John helped me out today! The store didn’t have enough clipboards of a specific kind that I needed and he was so helpful- searched for me and then contacted the Colorado Springs store and they’re having them shipped to me tomorrow! Thank you John! Great customer service.

  • en

    John Schliep


    Manager was very helpful and saved me money

najbliższy Sklep meblowy

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