Staples w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

641, 6th Avenue, 10011, New York, New York County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 212-462-2959
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7409856, Longitude: -73.9945561

komentarze 5

  • Real ThaMaskRapper

    Real ThaMaskRapper


    Best Staples I bin To So Far Friendly Kind and Nice Everyone Is In A Good Mood No One Hates There Job and They Will Always Talk To U And Be Super Sweet Tha Woman Are Great Thanks For Flirting With Ya' Boy lol

  • en

    Ariel Hicks


    I’m disappointed with the service I received at this location. I walked into this store today 01/16/18 around 1:30pm after shopping at Harmon Face Values and Michaels. I figured I’d kill 3 birds with one stone. I walked 6 feet into the store towards the staircase to enter the lower level and who I believed to be a manager immediately stopped me from entering the store further and asked if I needed help. I thought wow how amazing is this service that as soon as you walk through the door you get tended to right away. But unfortunately he was profiling me. However he didn’t stop the man that was over 6’ tall who walk in behind me but he stopped me. I asked for the item that I knew was clearly stated online as “in stock in-store”. And he told me without looking for it, “no that item is online only”. I left the store immediately because I didn’t like how I was treated. But after pulling up the item on my phone I went back inside and decided to speak to an employee. He stood guard as I did so, which is fine because I supervise in retail myself and I understand how important it is to protect your employees as well as the merchandise for sale. After he saw the employee checking my phone and pulling up that there were 3 in the system he pretended to look for it. Then told me to come down to the lower level of the store and speak to another associate. Who tried his best to help but was probably following his bosses orders of pretending to look for it also because it only took him a minute before coming back. I should have searched for the item on my own but The item it self was so cheap it wasn’t worth the trouble. I just simply wanted to buy a tripod for a cellphone for my sister who is a Graphic design artist who I recently purchased a Wacom bamboo slate for and I thought the 2 items would pair perfectly together. I don’t know why the manager profiled me, maybe is was my simple black coat. Maybe this store just experiences a lot of theft. But I hope they take note of this review and how I was offended and change their policy.

  • Samantha Berendt

    Samantha Berendt


    Great staff and overall decent selection. The nearby Union Square store is open later and has much more offerings but the employees at this store are much friendlier and more helpful. Always have a pleasant conversation with an employee at this location, but I always find a better selection at Union Square so good to know that there are less options here.

  • Ana Cris

    Ana Cris


    Staples store on 6th Ave, great customer service and you can find everything you need. College ruled notebook 5 subjects with 200 pages, and good price. I love that the store was opened early.

  • Kurt Brown

    Kurt Brown


    Incredible customer service. Like a five star hotel. Unbelievable! I'm coming here as often as I can because it restores my faith in civilization.

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