Staples w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

465, Tuckahoe Road, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-793-4277
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9533637, Longitude: -73.8518349

komentarze 5

  • Claudia Mejia

    Claudia Mejia


    Me encanta Staples, mi tienda favorita de artículos escolares y de oficina, cuentan con gran variedad de productos para desarrollar proyectos escolares, universitarios, empresariales, personales y un gran surtido en accesorios para oficina. Una tienda muy amplia, comoda y organizada.

  • en

    Greggory Hasselbring


    Convenient location near other shops including a great diner and deli. Friendly and knowledgeable staff. Went to buy a new home office printer that was a good price. Answered any questions and also informed me they price match on the printer cartridges. He even told me I could look on my phone to see if any better price and he waited until I checked prices.

  • Luis Moreno

    Luis Moreno


    Came here to make copies and get them laminated. The copier worked fine. the blade on the paper cutter was blunt, it was feathering the paper instead of making clean cuts, and there were no scissors. When i asked if they could replace the blade i was told they would when they had time. When i asked for scissors i was told no as another customer already had the loaner pair, so i had to wait until they were done. At least the guy with the ponytail bun helped me get the laminations done quickly once i had the items cut out.

  • en

    Nasir Husain


    Strangest experience ever. Worked at a Staples in my youth. This particular staples had recorded commands, such as "an associate is needed in the ink department", or something similar. First off, there is no "ink" department, every aisle has "ink" products, secondly, they had identical items with different SKUs, for expensive items; one price would be exorbitant, while the other reasonable. I thought, wow, this is how companies commit suicide, while trying to stay relevant in a world, where we can simply point and clink to get to the "ink" department. Funny though, so 2 stars. Can't believe I worked here in a different life.

  • Donna Davis

    Donna Davis


    Not enough staff on the floor to help and cintrol kids running around. Friend i was with had a child run into her 3 times within 10 minutes. Not impressed with the Print and Copy person. So flippant with customers. Finish with the person you are checking out so you can give your attention to the person asking questions or who needs assistance. I was thinking of having something run off but there was nothing posted about prices and sizes available. "Oh, everything is on the website." Thanks. Great way to make a sale.

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