Staples w Mount Vernon

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

275, East Sandford Boulevard, 10550, Mount Vernon, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-699-1555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.901877, Longitude: -73.823542

komentarze 5

  • es

    samuel evangelisto lopez castillo


    Hay de todo.

  • Anthony E, Flores

    Anthony E, Flores


    The staff is great. The managers resolve issues quickly

  • Fernanda Perez

    Fernanda Perez


    Great selection. Went here to have something binded after Ariana at the Larchmont location gave us great difficulty. They did it fast and for a LOWER PRICE. This location was efficient, one cashier is inconvenient, but she was fast and friendly and had everyone done within only a few minutes. Will be returning. Great job. Can’t give 5 stars as it’s my first visit to this location, but I will update my review after more visits. Thank You for (finally) a good staples experience in a looonnnnggg time.

  • en



    Highly disappointing experience. I called and asked to have something bound. They told me they could do it the same day. I told them I was 5 minutes away and they confirmed with me saying I would be able to have it done within 30 mins. I arrived and they told me they can have it done the following day. WASTE OF TIME

  • en

    Deodatt Lall


    It's laying well and the employee around the store is helpful except for the cashier, which didn't get me the discount that I'm entitled to also my rewards points.At the end I ended up going to the service desk and have to had the transaction redo all over again, spending another 20 minutes more and saving $12,

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