Staples w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2040, White Plains Road, 10462, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-409-9260
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8520502, Longitude: -73.8674958

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jeanette Gonell


    Very Pour Service At The Copy And Print Center At This Staples. Every time I come here the employees are very slow and the customer service is WACK! I Mean Very BAD! It doesn’t matter if it’s one person behind the counter or multiple they don’t attend to guests properly. And it’s many times I’m the only one line and it takes me 30min before I’m attended to and not to mention when there’s others in line. Its way worst to get a print out and go about my business. 👎🏼

  • en

    Barbara C


    A great store, tons of stuff for organizing and for art. And the Staff are really nice and helpful.

  • Victoria Pinkston

    Victoria Pinkston


    I live in Bronx, New York. The Staples near my home, is in partnership with UPS. This store provides one stop shopping and services for my community. But the employees at this store are not trust worthy and honest. I securely packed a firm bubble padded envelope and trusted Staples and their employees to secure my package to be picked up by UPS. Once my package shipped the receiver, to my surprise the item I was STOLEN! A staple employee tore the padded envelope open and took the item out and tapped the package back up. Staples clearly states that, they can not accept any packages that are not packaged properly. Therefore, which proves that the damage to my package was done after I left it with their employee. I am applauded the Staples has not taking responsibility FOR their employees actions. Shira D. Goodman is the CEO of this Retail store, which is #22 on the Fortune 500 list and has 61,503 employees. Staples needs to reevaluate their policies and treatment of their customers. Unfortunately, Staples has lost a loyal customer and will share my stories until this issue is resolved. Staples credo is as follows, " At Staples, we know that making a positive impact on society, our associates and the planet is just as important. It's why we're dedicated to raising awareness to bring positive change in the areas of Community, Environment, Ethics and Inclusion." Staples also claims, At Staples, “inclusion” is a verb. It’s what we do to ensure associates feel valued and can contribute to their fullest. We connect on the things we have in common. And celebrate our differences by working with respect and fairness towards each other." GUESS THIS DOESNT APPLY TO EVERYONE! WHERE WAS/IS MY FAIRNESS AND RESPECT AS A CUSTOMER!

  • pankil shah

    pankil shah


    Best customer service ever! Chasity was very helpful and kind. Love this place and can't wait to come back :)

  • en

    Adele Riley


    I went to purchase a printer and had a wonderful customer service experience! I had loads of questions and comparisons ( as i often do concerning tech stuff...I'm always and the sales clerk (Victoria) was soooo patient! She walked me through the whole purchase process, answering questions and helping me to compare prices all the way to the register to purchase! She didn't give up on me and leave me wandering in "tech world confusion." I purchased an affordable HP all- in-one printer and ink! My budget was to spend LESS than $200 and that's what happened!

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