Stanton Social i New York

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Forenede StaterStanton Social



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99, Stanton Street, 10002, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 212-995-0099
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Latitude: 40.7211359, Longitude: -73.9881212

kommentar 5

  • en



    Known for Kobe beef slider. Upscale place. Saw on unique eats. Also saw on best thing I ever ate for French onion soup dumplings.

  • en

    Robert Block


    Took my son here for his birthday. Food is good not exceptional. The waitresses are gorgeous there, probably the reason why my son wanted to go. Beef Wellington was the best item here. Did I say the waitresses are gorgeous! Enjoy!

  • en

    Jazella Demoore


    I love dining out so I tired this place for restaurant week and was very disappointed. The food was just horrible. The fish tacos were dry and flavorless. The BLT flat bread dish was horrible. It was as hard as a rock and I had the hardest time eating it with all the salad and squeezed out goat cheese they put on it. My napkin was covered in cheese. It was also flavorless! The dessert was a total thumbs down as well. The only good thing was the free tiny cup of soup they give at the start but that was so tiny. Not worth it at all! I felt ripped off. Would not come here again.

  • en

    Jesse Littledifranco


    French onion soup dumplings...still the best thing I ever ate. The tuna tacos were to die for and the staff is on point. Always ready with more water or ask if you need anything. Last time I went was almost 10 years ago and it has gotten even better. It is totally worth it.

  • Chris Merkle

    Chris Merkle


    For dinner or for cocktails upstairs this place never disappoints. If you are upstairs for cocktails and are lucky enough to have Travis as a bartender let him choose your drink. He's well versed in the palette and you will not be led astray. If you arrive early enough you can get a table to the right but those are reservation only later in the night. Want to have an awesome party? Get a table at Stanton Social.

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