Stanley Lewis Plumbing & Heating w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneStanley Lewis Plumbing & Heating



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749, Prospect Place, 11216, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-774-8757
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6746743, Longitude: -73.9517278

komentarze 5

  • Bobby Rio

    Bobby Rio


    Hired Stanley Lewis Plumbing & Heating recently to repair my leaking toilet at my Brooklyn, NY Brownstone. They sent Cliff and he was fantastic. He was able to stop my toilet from running which was so noisy it was waking us up in the middle of the night. Ughh! A little pricey but the service was excellent. I am very pleased. You can't go wrong with these plumbers. Highly recommend them and make sure to ask for Cliff...

  • en

    Simone Watson


    I hired what I thought was a licensed plumbing contractor to do plumbing renovations in my apartment recently, but when the time came to call for the inspection and complete the paperwork, I found out the contractor I hired was not a licensed plumber after all. Fuming and desperate, a friend referred me to Stanley Lewis Plumbing & Heating. My friend explained to me that they were not going to be the cheapest, but they would see the job through to completion. I procured their services and couldn’t be more satisfied. Alex and his team obtained the necessary NYC Department of Buildings plumbing permit, performed the necessary inspections, and was able to get the plumbing permit signed off. This company is licensed and knowledgeable and worth the cost. Not only will I use them again, but I will definitely refer my friends, family, and neighbors to them as well.

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    Gene Upshur


    I'm a long time customer for Stanley Lewis Plumbing & Heating and recently I had a great experience with them. I called the office during the recent bitter cold spell in an effort to have my boiler repaired. As usual the lady's in the office were pleasant and immediately dispatched a technician within 2 hours of my call to the office who discovered my thermostat was defective. The technician had a replacement thermostat in his truck so our heat was back up and running in less than an hour. Thank you for the quick response and great service! I will continue to use these guys and refer them to my neighbors.

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    John Bryant


    I've been a loyal long time customer of Stanley Lewis Plumbing since the late 90's. And I recently had a leaky pipe from my toilet pouring water down to the floor below every time I flushed it. I called Stanley Lewis Plumbing & they quickly sent over 2 technicians - Anthony and Gabriel. They were able to quickly determine the waste pipe below the toilet had a hole in it and needed to be replaced. They broke the ceiling below to replace the leaking pipe and then had Thomas come the same day and patch the hole. I had my toilet back in service by the end of the day. Not the cheapest but if you want it done right the first time definitely the best. Thanks guys for the great service as usual!!!

  • en

    Carmen Gulston


    I had an issue with my boiler not working in dead of the cold winter so I hired Stanley Lewis Plumbing & Heating. Irene in the office handled my call and was pleasant and patient during this time of stress. The technician Dale arrived within the allotted time and was able to fix the issue relativity quickly and for a reasonable price. The entire process was handled with a high level of professionalism and courtesy. I will definitely use these guys again!

najbliższy Hydraulik

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