Standard Tile Supply i Totowa

Forenede StaterStandard Tile Supply



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255, U.S. 46, 07512, Totowa, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-256-6412
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8945895, Longitude: -74.2292198

kommentar 5

  • James DuHaime

    James DuHaime


    Go see Mike H. if you are a homeowner looking for the full tile purchase experience. He is very thorough, very knowledgable.

  • Igor Marinho

    Igor Marinho


    One star because there is no 0! Customer service is terrible, its better close the company than make that poor work

  • Philip Jenkins

    Philip Jenkins


    Staff is friendly and helpful. Vast selection of natural stone and ceramic.

  • Realda Hadzifejzovic

    Realda Hadzifejzovic


    I walked in spent 20 minutes walked the whole store twice pulled drawers upon drawers and aside from myself there was another customer who was already being helped , 2 employees by the counter discussing and having conversations never acknowledged me and my husband or say hello ! Unprofessional and even if they were priced the best in nation I would not give them my business because they fail to give me the basics in customer service any business!

  • Bella Veksler

    Bella Veksler


    Nice selection, helpful staff but took a bit longer than it should have to just check out.

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