St. Lightning w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneSt. Lightning



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1813, Polk Street, 94109, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 415-400-4579
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7935554, Longitude: -122.4214378

komentarze 5

  • Lê My Silverman

    Lê My Silverman


  • Mike E.

    Mike E.


    Love this place! Whenever I need a gift for my wife, they have something special and unique. The gals that run the place are super nice and helpful. And smoking hot!

  • en

    keith harris


    Beautiful brand new lifestyle store on Polk street, just what the neighborhood needed! They have unique jewelry, pottery and home goods all by local artists. Oh and a great plant selection as well! Their style is 70's boho and nothing is made in China or mass produced. I talked with one of the owners and they said they are focused on highlighting artists or small designers predominantly in the US. They do have some really beautiful Swedish vintage pottery though that is to die for. I was told they will eventually be offering workshops in their cute backyard featuring some of the artists that they carry in store. Can't wait to see what they offer!

  • en

    daniel butler


    Wonderfully curated items that are one of a kind! I love buying gifts for girlfriends here. Great mix of vintage items that feel like it's ripped right from the pages of Gypset Style. Definitely a must visit :) Was this review …?

  • adam masonbrink

    adam masonbrink


    New lifestyle boutique on Polk street! They have unique jewelry, pottery, home goods and clothing made by small artists and designers. It's beautifully curated and has an amazing ambiance. The owners are super nice and quite cute;)

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