SRG Fashion Corporation i New York

Forenede StaterSRG Fashion Corporation



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1971, 41st Street, 11105, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-626-9600
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.77632, Longitude: -73.9004534

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jean Villanueva


    The suits are great. The customer service is great. Orlando took his time in helping me pick out a suit that is comfortable and looks great. I will definitely be going back to SRG from now on.

  • Chris Christo

    Chris Christo


    Reno and Geo have been the "Suit Guys" forever. Top quality service, top quality products, and unbeatable prices. I would never go anywhere else for suits. I send all my friends here, from wedding parties to single suits, these guys are the best at what they do. Thanks for everything!!!

  • Richard Kistnen

    Richard Kistnen


    SRG is absolutely great. I've been getting suits from here for several years now. Their slim fit designs are a must-have. Additionally, Gio really takes pride in the designs they create, and have really been pushing some beautiful suits out. I've recommended SRG to several friends that have gotten married, and they are great about working with you and your party. I never fail to get comments on how good my suits from here look. I highly recommend SRG for your suit needs.

  • Paul Morse

    Paul Morse


    Recommended to all in the area. These guys are the best.

  • Tom Sullivan

    Tom Sullivan


    The fabrics are beautiful! I purchased my first slim cut suits since I began working out with my personal trainer and I get compliments all the time on the style and quality. Plus, the slim fit shirts accent what I've been working so hard to achieve. Go "buy" here. Your wallet and body will thank you!

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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