Squid Ink Sushi Bar w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneSquid Ink Sushi Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, East Jefferson Street, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-258-0510
strona internetowej: www.squidinksushi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4474607, Longitude: -112.0736676

komentarze 5

  • en

    Suzanne Kilani-McCauley


    Not for a busy night! This place has no clue how to run on a busy night, and I'd imagine there are a lot of busy nights downtown. The hostesses don't know how to estimate seating time. We sat at our table for 10 minutes without being spoken to. We ended up leaving because we weren't about to miss the event for which we were downtown for continued subpar service!

  • Alex Prt

    Alex Prt


    Great food. Easy location to access. Very busy so plan ahead and make sure you're not starving because food will definitely take a while. However, it is worth the wait. Staff is friendly and very active, they aren't slacking and are constantly trying to get the orders in and out as quickly as humanly possible.

  • JamesxGames



    When I stepped in and sat down at 6 pm, the place wasn't crowded. Good, friendly and cozy atmosphere. We ordered three kinds of sushi, and I would rate the sushi: Presentation: 2.5 Taste/Quality: 3.4 We also ordered a duck confit, okay for the price. Service was amazing, server was helpful and attentive.

  • en

    shannon shannon


    This is an amazing restaurant to dine with my two little fellows who are both very picky. They only eat authentic and tasty Japanese food. Excellent kids menu. We even wrap two more Orders for breakfast. I order the fried rice with grilled shrimps. The shrimps were beautifully cooked and my daughter ate majority of shrimps. The price is totally reasonable. My server Christian is awesome! No pressure and excellent. My son loves the clean bathroom. Visit this great place with your family.

  • Lauren Stewart

    Lauren Stewart


    Very nice ambiance to the restaurant. The food and wait staff was very nice. I took 1 star off because my waiter assigned did not attend to us for about 15 minutes after bringing our water and I had to flag him down that we were waiting a long time. He did apologize and we were gifted our soups which was nice of them. Overall nice restaurant with good food and I will be returning!

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