SPUN Ice Cream w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneSPUN Ice Cream



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1912, East 7th Street, 78702, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-524-1768
strona internetowej: www.spunicecream.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2625407, Longitude: -97.7207789

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chris Gadbury


    The ice cream itself is pretty good, but not a good value, and frequently out of supplies. I ordered tiny cream with dragons breath which was an additional 4.75 and all it was, was a crushed up waffle cone added to the top of the scoop of ice cream...seriously? Did I honestly just pay ten bucks for a tiny cup of ice cream with a little waffle cone sprinkled on top? Come on guys you can do better than that!

  • en

    Adriana Olvera


    Friendly staff and delicious ice cream!!! Really enjoyed the dairy free options: berry and horchata

  • Paul Benoit

    Paul Benoit


    Great selection of flavors and it's really fun to watch the ice cream being made right as you order it.

  • en

    Sara Ahearn


    Spun is AWESOME!!! You get to watch them make your ice cream, super fresh and magical. Seriously- it looks like magic- they use liquid nitrogen to freeze the cream so you get to watch the billowing fog pour out of the mixer as the paddles turn. Then to top it off, they break out a torch and crank up the heat on the mixing bowl to keep the ice cream from sticking. The kids loved it- I found gluten free options and there were even dairy free options. So much goodness wrapped up in a tiny shop that is easy to miss if you aren't looking for it. Well worth the trip- enjoy!!!

  • Stephanie Cree

    Stephanie Cree


    I love Spun! The ice cream is some of the best I've ever had. It's rich without being overpowering, and every flavor and topping I've tried gas been incredible. You can tell they put a lot of effort into choosing their ingredients wisely. By far, the coolest part is watching them make the ice cream, since they mix the liquid nitrogen and cream right in front of you!

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