Spruce & Bond w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSpruce & Bond



🕗 godziny otwarcia

150, Amsterdam Avenue, 10023, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-366-6060
strona internetowej: www.sprucebond.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7752689, Longitude: -73.98439

komentarze 5

  • Jessica Kopec

    Jessica Kopec


  • Satomi Hofmann

    Satomi Hofmann


    I had a great experience here. Went in for laser. Technicians were nice, place was clean, they offered me a special that was going on for laser and their prices were comparable to other reputable laser facilities.

  • en

    Seth Kritzman


  • Britaniya Stuart

    Britaniya Stuart


    This place is fine. They do a good job shaping and coloring brows, but they are not better than the typical Indian threading place that has far cheaper prices.

  • Carlos Renedo

    Carlos Renedo


    Confirmed IN PERSON pricing about my treatment before booking. It changed completely the day of my appoitment! ............... I asked IN PERSON at the front desk if pricing and treatment would be the same as the one I got in a different location. After receiving confirmation I booked an appointment. Once in the room naked and ready to get my chest done Tracey, who was nice, starts talking to me about pricing. She leaves the room to confirm. Comes back. Leaves again... Now my sessions will cost 8x more expensive!! O_o When booking the appointment, I made sure to ask if the discounted price I used to get was still what I would have to pay this time. The answer was YES. Now I find myself in the laser room, naked, listening to what management is telling me about this missunderstanding. They offer me a 50% discount because I "qualify for it due to the results I got in the past with the treatments" TOO MUCH CONFUSION!!! AND even with the 50% IT STILL COSTS 4x more, cause now the torso has been divided into 2 Big Parts: upper and lower. Therefore, they make you pay for both parts separately. They have lost a client.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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