Sprint Store w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneSprint Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5420, East Broadway Boulevard, 85711, Tucson, Pima County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 520-512-1800
strona internetowej: www.sprint.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2206729, Longitude: -110.8766297

komentarze 5

  • en

    Madelena Duran


    Hello, I just want to say how awesome Dustin was helping my husband and I after we have had nothing but a bad battle at the park place mall sprint (don’t ever go there) time after time them, excuse my Language screwing us over not once but twice i really can’t believe they can get away with the stuff they do.I willl never go back there. This location has this excellent employee Dustin who was so understanding and explained everything so well he was very professional and best customer service I’ve have ever experienced. I would highly recommend you guys go to this location and ask for Dustin he will not disappoint you!!! Thanks again Dustin your the best!

  • Melissa E.

    Melissa E.


    Went in Saturday to this Sprint location to switch over to Sprint I honestly thought it would take a few hours to get a new phone and new iPad, but I was very happy that it took so little time!!! Marlon helped me out and made the process so easy!!!! He knew what I needed and what accessories would be best for my phone!! He was very clear about everything and made just the entire experience super easy and fun!! I was happy that he helped me out!! Highly recommend Marlon to help anyone who needs a new phone!! Thank you again I am so happy with the experience and awesome customer service!!! Great job!!!!

  • en

    Julie Fagg


    Really glad we found this store. After having one of the worst customer service experiences ever at the Sprint store on Kino and Broadway about a month and a half ago, it was incredibly refreshing to walk in to the Craycroft and Broadway location to find a customer service rep that seemed to know what he was doing. Raul quickly told us what our options were for my broken screen and got me set up with a loaner phone to use while my phone was being fixed. He was able to answer all of our questions and, for once, I felt confident that Sprint had managed to hire a fantastic employee. Thanks, Raul!

  • en

    Susan Hew


    I was very Pleased at the great service that I received @ Broadway, Tucson Az store. The techs are very knowledgeable. I appreciate there ability to explain in simple terms. that I can understand for that grandmother I am. Computer/phone is a foreign language to me. A special Thanks goes out to Daniel & Dustin. For going beyond the calling of their jobs. I like coming here for their assistance. I always leave please of the Great service I received.

  • Gregory Miller

    Gregory Miller


    I went to get help for a phone that was within manufacturer's warranty. They said that since I didn't buy the service plan, she couldn't help me and I'd have to go through the manufacturer. I asked for the information and they said I should google it. I responded that they should keep this information on hand because I didn't want to have to jump through hoops because google gave me the wrong number. When I protested, she googled it and gave me the results of a query. I asked how they knew this was the right number for warranty claims and they responded I'd have to find out myself, so still did not address my issue. I asked to speak to the manager. The rep got defensive and told me she was the shift supervisor. I asked if a manager was on-site and after a strong protest and an argument, she went and got him. I hoped to get better service from the manager. Instead I got the same dismissive treatment and he offered to google it for me too. I responded that his response was inadequate and I felt that I had wasted my time by coming. I did not raise my voice once during this, only expressed discontent with their support. He kicked me out of the store and told me to never come back. Overall they were both exceptionally dismissive and rude. I also wonder if a store manager has the authority to ban people from a store he does not own.

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