Sprint w Lynbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneSprint



🕗 godziny otwarcia

603, Sunrise Highway, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-341-7071
strona internetowej: dealer.sprint.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6546033, Longitude: -73.6755104

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Powers


    I was hesitant about coming back to this store but the new manager and staff has been really great. Great atmosphere now

  • en

    fred pagano


    i was a verizon customer for 15 years and i just switch to sprint and let me tell you these guys really made me feel relief and happy for switching over. they help me with setting up my phones and showed me how to use it. Great staff

  • en

    Henry Cataldo


    Knowledgeable people been there a number of times they've never let me down

  • Evan P

    Evan P


    The worst retail experience of my life. The district manager was there when I went in and he swindled me into a new plan saying I would save money, outright lying to me about the costs and fees. I went back to complain when I got my $500 bill and demanded a refund and change back, but they played dumb. No one took any accountability for their actions. I called corporate, and they too, dragged it out and took no accountability. Everyone just asked questions and I ended up switching to Verizon and the experience with sprint cost me over $1,000 after being with them for 1.5 years. I was very happy with my plan until I made the mistake of going back into this store for what should have been a simple add-on item, that eventually cost me $1,000. Avoid this location if you must do business with this sub-par company. Verizon always has better service and at least they are up-front with you about their higher costs.

  • en

    satish mangal


    Kieren and Dominic were very helpful with getting a new phone and transferring information from the old one. Very happy with the level of service.

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