Sprint in Mount Sinai

Vereinigte StaatenSprint



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5507, Nesconset Highway, 11766, Mount Sinai, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-509-6654
webseite: dealer.sprint.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.9306489, Longitude: -73.0326626

kommentare 5

  • en

    james gallant


    I'm a Sprimt customer, and I've been waiting 2 weeks for a response as to why I can't keep the plan i signed up for. I went to the store 3 times, & called twice. I've been told for 12 days they they're waiting for a response from Sprint!

  • en

    Marissa Pardi


    Sagar (store manager) is EXTREMELY helpful. Cares about his customers and try’s to justify what needs to be justified. He is wonderful at his job and most definitely deserves a raise. Highly recommend this mt Sinai location over any other locations

  • Ryan Houlihan

    Ryan Houlihan


    Extremely helpful and knowledge guys took the time to get my plan cheap and correct. Always throw me a deal and always there for an assist when something goes wrong. Much better than the Apple Store.

  • Gabriella Santerelli

    Gabriella Santerelli


    This store was so helpful! One of my phones wouldn’t make outgoing calls and not only any other store but sprint themselves couldn’t even fix it and somehow these guys managed to do it. They were awesome as well as having such good people skills and being extremely nice throughout our stressful process.

  • en

    michael hutter


    Great Service! Switched From verizon and these guys made everything very easy for me. I was worried i would have to transfer my Data on all 5 phones myself but they did it all and very fast. Great Reps will only go here!

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