Sprint w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneSprint



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3000, South Hulen Street, 76109, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-377-3580
strona internetowej: www.sprint.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7051857, Longitude: -97.3908743

komentarze 5

  • Kimberly Albee

    Kimberly Albee


    This store is great! It's super busy though because they're the only one in the area that has technicians capable of fixing stuff. My husband's brand new Note 8 glitched out from the moment it was pulled out of the box. We didn't realize it until a couple of days later when the microphones wouldn't work on it. So we brought it here and they just replaced it with a brand new phone. It took a while, but it was worth the wait! They have all the best & newest phones, tablets, and watches in stock and the staff is knowledgeable & helpful.

  • Cassi Copeland

    Cassi Copeland


    I went in there the other day to get the new iPhoneX. The sales manager Austin was very helpful in helping me find the right phone that fits me!! Thank for the great service!! I’ll be back!!

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    Ashley Warren


    I don’t go to this store very often but when I do everyone is so helpful! They are busier than other stores so there might be a wait but they try to get you in as fast as possible! Even if you have a problem they try to fix it to the best of their knowledge and to the extent of the system allowing them to... overall great place and excellent customer service!

  • Mariel Coronado

    Mariel Coronado


    My parents recently went into this Sprint store and received the absolute WORST customer service from the manager on duty, Austin. He caused a HUGE scene in a store full of staff and other customers.They were there for 2 HOURS trying to resolve a simple mistake that was caused by Sprint. Austin was demeaning, rude, and unprofessional. We’ve been loyal paying customers for 20 years. My parents were completely disrespected. I encourage everyone to NOT GO TO THIS STORE. Due to this absolutely necessary incident we are dropping our plan and moving on to a better service.

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    F C


    They'll be nice to get a sale but after that, don't expect any help with anything. I should've checked reviews before I went here a year ago. Terrible experience so far and we can't wait to move back to T-Mobile next month. My first problem with them was I went to switch with a referral in order to get rewards. I believe it was supposed to be around $250. The salesmen told me it was ready before I completed signing up. I later found out that the proper steps weren't followed and I wouldn't be able to get the reward. All because he wanted a sale. I even told him I was willing to wait a day in order to get the $250. He straight up lied to me and continued to lie to me when I contacted him the few weeks after I signed up. About 3 months after getting top of the line phones, one wasn't functioning and when we brought it in, they were no help. We had to figure it out ourselves.

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