Sprint i Ramsey

Forenede StaterSprint



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23, Interstate Shopping Center, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-574-0084
internet side: dealer.sprint.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.0666422, Longitude: -74.1374922

kommentar 5

  • Armando Lucia

    Armando Lucia


    Naja & Lisa, I can't thank you enough for always taking the time with me & my family. Whether it's upgrading to a new device or just dropping in with a question or an issue, the one on one service you deliver is amazing & always appreciated! Yesterday you helped make someone's 10th birthday very special. Thank you!!!

  • en

    cat ofthewild


    Sierra helped us today. She was very sweet knowledgeable and patient. I switched over from AT&T and am looking forward to seeing how things work over at Sprint!

  • en

    Rebecca Hanson


    highly recommend this location -- the customer service is spectacular. Everyone here was more than willing to help, especially the young boy Sean who took his time with me. I've never had someone teach me so much and offer the amount of help that he did!! If i ever have any questions, I know I can stop by this location and Sean will be more than helpful.

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    Christoph Hartmann


    The staff here does nothing but make you feel like family and because of that I consistently only shop at this wonderful. They're all very sweet and kind individuals that provide fantastic customer support. Thank you for all your hard work, it doesn't go overlooked.

  • en

    Michael Swanston


    The staff here was professional, courteous and helpful. I would highly recommend the Ramsey Sprint location because of the great employees. Quick, efficient, friendly service. Sean makes you feel like family when you walk in. 5/5

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