Spring Valley Pharmacy w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneSpring Valley Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2725, S Jones Blvd, 89146, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-248-4119
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1400008, Longitude: -115.2256822

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicole Walztoni


    Such sweet people best pharmacy in town

  • en

    Pat Brasic


    They have been great ,delivery of my medicine always when they say it will arrive wonderful to talk to ,very helpful

  • Davida Rochelle

    Davida Rochelle


    FRAUDULENT company. NEVER, EVER use them. I was PROMISED delivery yesterday between 1 and 7 pm. Was told to wait for the phone for their call as they could NOT narrow down the time frame. NO call, NO show. No follow up email of explanation or response to my emergency email either. Just a LAME excuse of how other patients they have are very sick. EVERY single thing this co promises is a 100% Total lie. I offered cash with no insurance hassle too. They do NOT want or need your business. Stay far, far away.

  • Brandon Lewis

    Brandon Lewis


    Awesome! I'm posting on behalf of my wife Amber Aufdenberg. She has nothing but wonderful things to say about this pharmacy and there staff. The staff (Front end, Pharmacist, & Techs) are educated, helpful and friendly. Always welcoming to Amber and by the time she leaves will informed on three medications she is taking them.... Even if its just a vitamin!! Plus they Deliver right to your home! (between 2pm-7pm) Anyway, I would like to say thanks Spring Valley Pharmacy & Staff! You make my beautiful wife Amber Lynne feel right home! Thank You, Brandon J. Lewis

  • en

    Amber T


    The service here is so FAST, it is the reason why I don't go to CVS or Rite Aid and wait there sometimes for over an hour. The staffs here are AWESOME, especially Jessica, the pharmacist. She was very details on the instruction of how to use the medicine. The store has the $2 matches $1 donate for the local animal shelter which is WONDERFUL. This is also another reason why I come here. The store has cute decor, comfortable sofa to seat and clean. Two thumbs up for this store. I'm a loyal customers for many years now.

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