Спотлесс Авто Лондрис w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneСпотлесс Авто Лондрис



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424, River Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-957-1848
strona internetowej: www.spotlessautolaundries.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8917244, Longitude: -74.0377819

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tiffany Ann


    very quick and efficient. nothing too glamorous but it gets the job done for a reasonable price, wish the wipe down was better

  • Marvin Heemeyer

    Marvin Heemeyer


    I went through the soft car wash and I ask them if my 19" wheels would get scratched by the tracks. I was told it was safe. I got out the wash with a penny size gash on one of my wheels. So if you have 19"+ wheels stay away. As for the touchless wash, that thing don't clean your car at all. You would still see a haze of dirt left all over. Whether you pay for any of the 3 options. I haven't tried the self wash section. I think that's the route anyone should go if you own an expensive luxury vehicle. Or go to a hand car wash.

  • Vincent Paruta

    Vincent Paruta


    Omg good! I love the automatic wash bay, Nothing touches the car! Just power washed. Reasonably priced and open 24x7! I’ll use the self wash when I have more time. What more could you ask for! Bring your own favorite towels to do the touch up drying. Love this place!

  • en

    mary summers


    I've been going here for oil change and lube work for years. The employees are very gracious and helpful. I have an oil leak/gasket issue and instead of trying to sell me an expensive fix, since it is an old car(2001 Corolla) they have been thoughtful enough to just monitor it every few weeks. So far so good and at no expense. I cannot thank them enough since it has taken a great deal off my mind about this concern

  • en

    G RiDeR


    Washed my motorcycle at the self serve car wash for the first time today. $5 for 6 minutes, which is more than enough for a motorcycle. But for a car you might wanna plan ahead, maybe clean the wheels ahead of time. It’s 6 min total so you should have a plan of how you’re gonna wash beforehand or bring more money. Also the dryers cost additional, I didn’t use the handheld dryer but it’s a few dollars more. The machines let you pick whatever setting you want to use which is great. Other self car washes I’ve used made you cycle through all the settings. I really had to wash the road salt off my bike so I was pleased with the self car wash. Also it’s 24 hours but gets extremely busy on weekends.

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