Sport Clips Haircuts of Hurst w Hurst

Stany ZjednoczoneSport Clips Haircuts of Hurst



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1314, West Pipeline Road, 76053, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-284-0503
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.8241054, Longitude: -97.1999512

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Urquhart


    Megan was fantastic! I got the MVP. Megan not only cut my hair with precision she groomed my beard and really took the time to make this a relaxing experience. By far this is the best hair cut I have ever received. I am editing my review. A year ago, and many months after I had Megan cut my hair. I have been back to this place twice since she has left. Both times my hair got butchered. Especially yesterday. I asked for a 2 on the sides and a little longer than finger length on top. I guess that means a high and super tight! Went to do my hair this morning and there is nothing left. I also specifically asked for her to NOT cut my widows peak off. She DID any way. I was not going to leave a review but after getting ready this morning, I had to. I have had my hair cut by 5 different stylist at this long action and only 1 actually did a great job. Sorry ladies, you should listen to your clients.

  • TÄMÏŁ WÏŃD[தழிழ்காற்று]

    TÄMÏŁ WÏŃD[தழிழ்காற்று]


    Had my hair cut here With Cassandra I wish if she was more Nice. She didn’t smile or greet me I won’t go back here

  • en

    Derrick Schlegel


    Normally every time i go there im thuroughly happy. But today i went in for a hair cut, beard trim and a shampoo, mvp package. My stylist was Chau. I sat down and told her exactly what i want. Not only did she completely ignore me when i asked for a beard trim and shampoo but the hair cut she gave me is the most lopsided and uneven thing i have ever seen. Im going to have to go back to a high and tight just to make it look right. Dont think i will be coming back again. Edit: i went back today and had the best experience thanks to Heather. My father and law went with me and had the displeasure of having Chau as his stylist and he is very unhappy. But as for me, it was great. Heather took complete care of me and gave me the full experience i requested. She is a sweetheart and will be my go to from here on out. I mentioned my displeasure about Chau from the last time i was there and without me wanting or asking for it, she comped my haircut. Heather will be the reason i go back there because she makes it enjoyable. She is good at her job and i was laughing or smiling the entire time.

  • en

    Majd Jarrah


    I have never, in my experience of getting a hair cut, experienced this kind of rude, ill, and unprofessional conduct from any employee of any business. The lady that was cutting my hair, who turns out to be the manager, was rude beyond measures. Replying rudely, talking with an attitude, even talking in a bad way to her own co workers. Even assuming she had a bad day, this is no excuse whatsoever. The whole time i kept my cool even though i was in awe that someone can be that unprofessional and rude to anyone, let alone a customer. I usually never write reviews, but i felt that i absolutely had too. The owner of this place has to do something about this with all due respect

  • en

    Sergio Salazar


    Ever since I moved back to the good ole HEB area I've been coming to this location for a haircut. Misty is my favorite. And she is worth the wait. My son also loves his cuts from her and always leaves with a huge smile on his face. Misty and her crew has that place on lock down. Thank you for a great cut everytime!!

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