Spirit Agency Insurance Inc i North Babylon

Forenede StaterSpirit Agency Insurance Inc



🕗 åbningstider

1161, Deer Park Avenue, 11703, North Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-234-1000
internet side: www.spiritinsurance.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7362592, Longitude: -73.3198503

kommentar 2

  • en

    Thomas Martin


    HORRIBLE SERVICE! I called Spirit Insurance to receive a quote and spoke with Mike. I was offered a reasonable quote so I signed up over the phone. 2 months later I get a bill in the mail from the insurance company quoting me a higher payment. I called spirit to find out as to why and was told the application submitted to the insurance company showed a different "license issue date". I was clear over the phone with my information. I feel this was purposely done so the Broker could benefit instantly. I feel I was taken advantage of and I will be cancelling my insurance and making a formal complaint. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH SPIRIT INSURANCE! SCAM!

  • en

    michelangelo pino


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