Speedway w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneSpeedway



🕗 godziny otwarcia

465, Goffle Road, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-445-7511
strona internetowej: www.speedway.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.974731, Longitude: -74.1465927

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sandy S.


    Scratched my car. It’s old and a piece of junk but when I saw him in the mirror hit the side with the pump instead of putting it in the hole gave me a huge attitude. Walked away yelling at me and denied it and I said if you didn’t hit it why you so mad. He was madder then me. I would have just shrugged it off but he kept running his mouth. If it wasn’t true he would have asked me to step out and look together. Instead he rather say in his broken English, “ I have this job for too many years, I not broke anything” END QUOTE You can’t make this stuff up. But apparently he knows it’s not good to hit cars or else why would he be so mad?

  • Greg Zulauf

    Greg Zulauf


    I’m not one to do this but I’ve had two terrible experiences with this station. Two months prior to this review, one of the attendants broke my gas cap and the station would not admit to breaking it or pay for the damages, so I stopped going. Today I gave them another shot since it’s located close to where I live. I handed the gas station attendant $20 dollars and asked for premium. I look over and suddenly my car is completely full at $31.04 dollars. They told me to go inside to pay, and I was livid. If I wanted my tank full, I would have asked. I had only had the $20 on myself, and they took my license number and make/model and told me to come back to pay it. I was the bigger person and paid for it, but it’s not something I should not be paying for. This is the second issue where they won’t admit to being at fault.

  • en

    Sergey Blashkov


    Just another gas station with average price and not so fast service.

  • en

    Bob Mc


    While this station has some of the best prices in the area, and they are very conveniently accessible to me, their attendants can only be described as surly. On their best days they frown and glare, never greet the customer cordially, and never, ever say thank you. Their energy level is non-existent; they have two speeds - slow and stop. Granted, the life of a gas station attendant cannot be wonderful but they should try to remember that if they drive customers away with poor customer service their jobs will cease to exist. I'm not expecting Disney World level perkiness but a little civility is not a lot to ask for. I'm actively shopping for similar prices at a better station.

  • krystal ricciardi-weber

    krystal ricciardi-weber


    OK, this place has decent gasoline, and I have not shopped in the convenience store attached. However, the last two times I have visited, they try to cheat me out of money. Granted it is pennies, but I get the feeling that the gas attendants do this to any cash paying customer, and at the end of the day could easily be pocketing a few bucks cash. Once the pump stops, they click it a few times until the price is up near a dollar, and then instead of having a dime or a quarter for change they hand the paper dollars back and say "is that ok?". The first time the lady gas attendant wasn't speaking to me in English, and it was only a dime, so I let it go. But the second time, a man gas attendant pumped it so the total was $21.78, I paid $25 and when I asked for a quarter back he wouldn't give me one. Luckily I had $0.78 of change in my wallet and he wound up giving a dollar back, after counting my change twice. You guys stole $0.10 from me last week, and you would begrudge 3 pennies. OK. Just a warning to cash paying customers. I think I saw a sign that said cash and credit same price so I know how I will be paying from now on.

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