Sparks Assisted Living w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneSparks Assisted Living



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808, Oakmont Lane North, 76112, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-888-3388
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.76799, Longitude: -97.229978

komentarze 4

  • en

    Steve Wilson


    We were so lucky to have found such a wonderful place for our dad to live. Michael and every one of his staff are truly loving and caring people that have made his life so much happier. Our whole family is extremely happy with the great care our dad receives. We highly recommend Sparks Assisted Living.

  • en

    Jennifer Vargha


    CARE for our loved one and PEACE OF MIND for our family – We are grateful to have found Sparks Assisted Living, and to have moved our aunt there. She was previously in two facilities and one other residential group home, and this is by far the best care that we have experienced. Michael Sparks, the owner, is also an RN. He has shown a great deal of initiative in establishing care and medication management from the very beginning that may have saved her life. I can’t even begin to say how much his medical knowledge, combined with a real desire to serve others makes for a winning combination. Sparks offers a comfortable home environment and hands-on oversight by someone who is invested, knowledgeable, proactive, and truly cares. The move-in process was extremely easy, and we are pleased to have our loved one in such a good, safe and comfortable home at this difficult time in her life.

  • en

    Mary Beth Marsh


    Finally, an assisted living facility that takes into account he human factor of elder care. Sparks Assisted Living is a place like no other, offering a loving, nurturing, and amazingly healthy environment for those needing this kind of care. Michael Sparks is a saint who saw a need for humane elder care through his work as an RN. Somehow, he succumbed to the rigors of opening a facility wrought with government red tape, right in middle of a lovely neighborhood. I have the great pleasure of seeing a dear friend being cared for just as I would care for my own mother. She's in a clean, pretty house (not the traditional sterile, depressing care facility), getting wholesome food, exercise, and lots of loving attention. Bravo, Michael Sparks! Mary Beth Marsh

  • en

    Dranda Hopps


    Large Beautiful home,easy access all around the home, caring, loving, staff. Mom will love this place. Thank you for the tour. DH Update on Moms move in. She absolutely loves it. She said " this is my beautiful home for a while." She loves the staff, and the fire place is her favorite. She just wishes that someone in her age group was there to remaniss about the good old days with her. A big thank you to the staff for taking care of my mom. D.H.

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