Southwest Spas w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneSouthwest Spas



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1110, South Country Club Drive, 85210, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-969-6224
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3953896, Longitude: -111.8417048

komentarze 5

  • en

    Julie Martin


    My husband and I recently purchased a D1 Meridian spa from Southwest Spas in Mesa. Yanni and his grandson, Serge, were very helpful and professional. We were so happy with every step: deciding which spa was best for us, purchasing (price) and the delivery/set up. We would highly recommend Southwest Spas.

  • en

    KEN Y


    I'm over the moon happy with my purchase. I obsessed and researched for almost a year before deciding on an aroura and southwest spas. I ran my own electrical which probably saved me well over a grand. I've talked to and been helped by all 3 generations of this family owned business and feel I got a pretty smoking deal although I've only had it for 4 months. The delivery guys made light work of it and had me going in an hour or so . Had a tiny issue 3 months in but Dean came out and handled it like a pro. I'll update later if I have any problems with the tub but so far I love it- jets are great and the pumps are more than sufficient. I have full confidence that Yanni or Tyler will take good care of me if need be. Honestly , it would be foolish to buy a hot tub anywhere but southwest spa.

  • en

    Mel Forsyth


    Awesome did not buy a tub from their store,but bought a used one of theirs that became available.just talking to them sold us on their tub

  • Sara Knurt

    Sara Knurt


    The store and product seemed ok but the saleswoman was a lot to deal with. Fast talking and pretending we were so special and "The deal of a lifetime" because of the military service. Patronizing and trying to get our money as fast as they can. No thanks, even if it is the most amazing deal ever.

  • en

    Mark Rosbrook


    Excellent interaction with Tyler the general manager. Called me right away after I left message with Southwest spas in the early morning. He was very knowledgeable and professional of the spas there, he convinced me to come on by that same day and check out some of the Dimension One Spas! He suggested the Wayfarer @home model would be just right for me and my wife. Drove home and me my spose made the decision to make the purchase that afternoon. What a great price and a awesome spa!

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