Southside Automotive i Valley Stream

Forenede StaterSouthside Automotive



🕗 åbningstider

1597, Dutch Broadway, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-823-3383
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.686596, Longitude: -73.702186

kommentar 5

  • en

    kar jon


    Great place to bring car

  • Zahid Ali

    Zahid Ali


    Great workshop that provide excellent service at cheap price. The owner is always present and is extremely helpful.

  • Ryan Balchand

    Ryan Balchand


    DO NOT GO HERE. They are a rip off. I went to change my Jeep Wrangler shocks and it was installed incorrectly. They cut the cover to make it look proper which fell off after I drove off. After I left, I noticed the steering alignment is way off. They did not test the vehicle after installation. I went back and the owner told me he only installed shocks and does not do alignment. Who install new shocks and does not realigned the wheels or test the car? They offer horrible service and are very expensive. They even offer to charge me more than it cost to install the shocks to align the jeep. Please think before heading over to this place.

  • en

    Gurwinder Singh


    Very nice people .

  • Malik Farooq

    Malik Farooq


    On time service and very reasonable price. No games and drama. Very happy with service.

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