Southern Maid Donuts w Flower Mound

Stany ZjednoczoneSouthern Maid Donuts



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2809, Flower Mound Road, 75022, Flower Mound, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 972-355-8949
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.014789, Longitude: -97.074428

komentarze 5

  • pat mccarrell

    pat mccarrell


    Hands down the best donut shop in North Texas. Nothing fancy, just really good donuts made by a super nice family. Lots of variaties to chose fritters are the best I've ever had. The staff is incredibly friendly, repeat customers are addressed by their first name... gives you that small town main street experience. Their donuts are far superior to those at Dunkin donuts.

  • en



    We tried a few local donut shops including the one discussed on Facebook all the time and I have to say Southern Maid Donuts wins hands down. It's unanimous in our family. They have the very best donuts! So fresh and delicious! Lot's of variety. Not only are the donuts great, but the owners are super sweet. It's a pleasure to do business with them. When we are going to get donuts, we don't have to think about where to go! It's Southern Maid for us.

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    Angela Booth


    Great donuts and kolaches! The owners are a delightful and always have a smile to share with customers.

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    Heidi Gibbs


    Love this donut shop! They are the best around! We’re using their shop to cater donuts for our wedding!

  • en

    Robin Girard


    Always great tasting, fresh donuts. The staff are so nice. Best donut spit in FloMo.

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