Southern Hospitality BBQ w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSouthern Hospitality BBQ



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645, 9th Avenue, 10036, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-265-1000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.760541, Longitude: -73.991382

komentarze 5

  • A Single Yogurt

    A Single Yogurt


    I have very bad allergies such as: Dairy, Eggs etc. And these guys were the best place I have been to for allergies. They will tell you what is in the food, And they'll do many things to make your meal comfortable. 10/10 would eat again.

  • Classic Stingray

    Classic Stingray


    Service was good. Nachos were huge and the jambalaya was delicious and spicy. I had the brisket which was cooked so it was tender but the serving side of both the brisket and sides were tiny, almost tapas size! Definitely not worth the price. The brisket also lacked flavor. My drink, the coconut cooler didn’t taste like it had any alcohol and the wine portions were small. Nice atmosphere though.

  • Erwin Tan

    Erwin Tan


    My family has attended this location a couple of times and had a great time. Great place to bring a family but it can get loud inside. Staff are friendly and as stated by my wife are also "good looking". Their brunch special is a good deal and the bottomless drinks are not watered down. Very easy to get drunk if you're not keeping count.

  • Peter Lyahovetsky

    Peter Lyahovetsky


    Отличное место, вкуснейшая еда и выпивка. Очень уютно, и обслуживание на высоте.

  • en

    Harrison Chen


    If you are a fan of barbecue ribs, a fun and energetic atmosphere to catch up with friends or watch a game over some beer and fine dining, this is BY FAR the best barbecue our great city has to offer. The staff always have a smile on their faces, and it is just a pleasant experience every time we walk into the restaurant. And should you decide to dine in on a rainy or snowy night, their delivery service is quick and seamless. I have had my holiday parties there and every one of my guests have returned to the restaurant on their own because the food is just that good! -Harrison Chen

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