South Seattle College in Seattle

Vereinigte StaatenSouth Seattle College


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6000, 16th Avenue Southwest, 98106, Seattle, King County, US USA
kontakte telefon: +1 206-934-5300
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 47.5482796, Longitude: -122.3522151

kommentare 5

  • Tyler Long

    Tyler Long


    If you depend on FINANCIAL AID at all, do not come here, steer clear litterally any other college will give you a more dependable financial aid department, these people cannot return a call for the life of them, Dispursments are litterally never on time, I had to take out a private loan at a bank to cover cost for more than one quarter over two years because the financial aid department couldn't process paperwork on time. I'm sitting here writing this review and am waiting for a Dispursment that should have happened this morning, probably in a week they'll get around to transferring my funds until then, ramen all around!

  • Helen Tran

    Helen Tran


    I took an Autocad class here and it was awesome. My instructor, Loc Nguyen, was really nice and helpful. I also saved money by taking my class here instead of UW. I highly recommend taking that class here if you are interested in Autocad.

  • Anthony Hathaway

    Anthony Hathaway


    It's getting better at South.

  • en

    nate kiehn


    Stephanie Endsley is possibly the worst tracher I've encountered in my lifetime. Students are actually enrolling at other schools to avoid this horrible professor. Something is wrong with tbe Chemistry department and the administaration needs to review this..

  • Loyan Abdulrahim

    Loyan Abdulrahim


    Mellow and quiet College. The staff are great too!

nächste Universität

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