South Nassau Eyecare i Freeport

Forenede StaterSouth Nassau Eyecare



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21, West Merrick Road, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-379-4041
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Latitude: 40.6539145, Longitude: -73.5809676

kommentar 3

  • Jehovah Shalom

    Jehovah Shalom


    Horrible! I went to get my eyes checked back in July. The optometrist was great. But when it came to pick out frames, the woman was trying to pressure me to get some expensive coating on my glasses that had previously messed up my current pair. I wound up only paying $55 to get my lens cut thinner. I'm told that I'll get a phone call when my glasses are ready. For some reason, that didn't feel right with me when they said. After not hearing from them for a week, I knew something was up. I've been wearing glasses since I was 7 and the most I've ever waited for a new pair of glasses was about 5 days. I called them 2 weeks later and was told with someone (who had an attitude) "we'll call you when they're ready!!" I finally decided to call my vision insurance yesterday (which is 2 months after my initial appointment). I was told that my glasses order was never submitted! I was dumbfounded. As soon as I got off work, I went back to this place to get my money back. The receptionist barely acknowledged me but I refused to move out of her presence. I told her I wanted to cancel my order and she tried to pass the buck to my insurance company "you have to cancel through insurance". I told her "no I don't. I spoke with my insurance today and nobody ever submitted my order." She went and get the manager and I got my $55 refund. NEVER AGAIN!!! This is why I was going to Pearle Vision for years, but they don't accept current insurance. Go to South Nassau Eyecare at your own risk. I saw people in the waiting room and I wanted to tell them to run before it was too late.

  • Saul Barrera Jr

    Saul Barrera Jr


  • en

    israel aguilar


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