South Bay Collision w West Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneSouth Bay Collision



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260, Little East Neck Road, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-661-6300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.70035, Longitude: -73.340226

komentarze 5

  • Cheryl Sholl

    Cheryl Sholl


    Friendly staff, excellent service. Did a great job on my car.

  • en

    Ron Camilleri


    Amazing Paintless Dent Removal!!!! With less than 500 miles on our new SUV, we sustained a large ding to the passenger side door. When I brought the car in for an estimate, I was told that Don, the owner, needed to look at the damage because there was a vertical crease. Don looked at it and said he could fix it. I asked how good he thinks it will look and he said "I aim for perfection." That was all I needed to hear so I authorized the repair. All I can say is that Don did an amazing job and made the damage disappear; he is a true professional, gentleman and pleasure to do business with. Not only did he do a wonderful job on the repair, but his fee to complete the service was very reasonable. If you need expert paintless dent removal, look no further! Don is your guy!!!

  • en

    Wendy H


    The staff at South Bay Collision are amazing! My family and I have been customers for many years and they only impress me more each time I return. This week I had my SUV in to be detailed and when I went to pay for the AMAZING job they did, Chris said it was on them! Unbelievably nice and above and beyond just customer service. I know where my family, friends and I will be returning if we need repairs!!! So should you! If you want outstanding customer service and a feeling of being part of the "community family" this is where to go!

  • en

    Nicole O'Malley


    They do excellent work. Price is reasonable. Timely service. They even spot welded a repair to a piece of my oven at no charge. Would recommend.

  • en

    C P


    Professional staff with consistent exceptional work. Did exactly what they said and a little extra with no additional charge. My jeep came out great. The shop was so clean. I've brought mine and my husbands car to them and they have exceeded my expectations each time. Thank you again !!

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