South Bark Dog Wash w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneSouth Bark Dog Wash



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2037, 30th St, 92104, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-232-7387
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7272779, Longitude: -117.1299665

komentarze 5

  • Kelci Gilley

    Kelci Gilley


    South Bark is a wonderful neighborhood small business that is big on community. They have so many events for pet lovers and a warm, friendly staff.

  • en

    Tuta Overstreetover


    This place is awesome. Even my dog loves getting a bath here! This place makes me love giving my dog a bath. It's less of a chore now and more of a bonding time with my pooch.

  • Irianny Guzman

    Irianny Guzman


    Great service and it’s so cool how they have all types of shampoo/conditioning combos. My dog smelled like a cupcake after we left. Especially liked the hypoallergenic shampoo and the blueberry facial. Only reason for 4 stars is that it’s a bit pricey, for washing your own pet but I think it’s worth it once in a while!

  • Amy Betterton

    Amy Betterton


    We love this place...and more importantly, the dogs do too! The setup is great with the outdoor space for waiting/brushingand then nice high tubs for washing. The people who work here clearly love dogs and are very helpful. I have an old large dog and they helped lift her in and out of the tub for me. They think of all of the details and the blueberry products smell divine! My dogs felt soft and smelled great for days afterwards. We'll keep coming back...especially after fun at the Grape Street dog park.

  • David J. Salcido

    David J. Salcido


    What a great place! We weren't sure what to expect, but were pleasantly surprised to find it clean and well managed. The staff are very friendly and there's an outdoor area to hang out in until the bathtub is ready. The blueberry facial is great, I totally recommend it.

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