South w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneSouth



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2005, 11th Street, 95818, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-382-9722
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5686072, Longitude: -121.4967763

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Rubio


    Fried chicken is perfectly tender and juicy. Son had the catfish with rice and beans and he loved it. Great service after ordering from the counter. Get there before 5:30 to avoid long lines.

  • Megan Simonson

    Megan Simonson


    Delicious food! I had the pot roast and my husband had the fried chicken plate - amazing! It’s a walk up and place your order kind of place. When we first arrived and I grabbed a table while the rest of our party waited in line, a few different customers tried to tell me that I have to order before grabbing a table but I ignored them because that seemed a little absurd to me. But I did have a server come over and tell me I have to order before I sit down, but I just said that my order is being placed. He then told me again that I’m supposed to order first and then grab a table but I didn’t move, he then just walked away. He wasn’t rude but was definitely trying to be firm. I also observed other staff do the same for other people who grabbed a table first - they all moved. I totally understand if you’re getting food to go - you don’t need that table so get out of the way for a party that’s dining in. I’ve been to many restaurants where you order at the register and seat yourself and I have never been told to order first then sit down. I feel like if the want it that way then put the register right as you walk in to “block” people from grabbing their seat before. I also feel like it’s a waste of time and added stress for the employees to track if somebody grabs a table before ordering. This is honestly the only reason I didn’t give 5 stars. Hopefully they stop this weird practice or begin having a hostess seat people if they’re so hung up on the situation.

  • Jim Graham

    Jim Graham


    Nice atmosphere, excellent food. Had a bucket of fried chicken, hush puppies, mac n' cheese, string beans topped with bacon, brisket, and butterscotch pudding to top it off. It all super yummy! The chicken was plentiful and not dry at all, and not too greasy. Nice and crispy. The hush puppies were awesome, and the pudding was incredible! Everything else was also very good. The staff was very friendly and courteous. Can't wait to eat here again!

  • en

    John Stockdale


    One of the best southern style restaurants in Sacramento. The menu is separated into old school and new school dishes, with traditional favorites such as hush puppies and fried chicken along side newer dishes like fettuccine jambalaya. You order and pay for your food at the front counter and they then seat you with a number. Be warned though, this spot is very small but popular with the dinner crowd and on most days the line stretches far out of the door.

  • Emerald Gingell

    Emerald Gingell


    We got here at 8:30. I was going to order the meatloaf but they were out so I got the fried chicken instead. The chicken was really moist, the breading was crispy, thin, and perfectly cooked. But damn was it salty. I love salt but I was a little overwhelmed. The real star of my meal was the biscuit. It was like eating cotton candy. It just melted away in my mouth. I subbed green beans and they were great too. My husband got the spicy BBQ shrimp. He said they were good but super spicy (and we both love spicy.) He said the cheesy grits were heaven. He ordered Jake greens on the side and was happy with those too. Portions are large, expect to pay $15 a plate plus extra for their ample selection of wine and beer.

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