SoulCycle ANNEX - SOULANNEX w Bridgehampton

Stany ZjednoczoneSoulCycle ANNEX - SOULANNEX



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264, Butter Lane, 11932, Bridgehampton, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-537-3630
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Latitude: 40.9409102, Longitude: -72.3129188

komentarze 5

  • Suzannah Troy

    Suzannah Troy


    I took Noa’s meditation class and I felt so relaxed and so much better. My face was flushed almost like I have done some cardio but you just lay on your back and rest on mat provided for you on the floor. I covered my eyes with my jacket sleeve. Noa did a meditation that involved letting go, healing and loving yourself. He told us how meditation is so important for healing it was just fantastic. Noa could be a professional meditation coach.

  • Matt Cook

    Matt Cook


    Really cool studio and great instructors

  • Pamela Aquino

    Pamela Aquino


    I attended Soul Annex for the first time and the space itself is really nice. However, the locker room/bathroom area is VERY small making long lines/space too tight. The actual working out studio itself is also very small and I did a HIT class literally on top of another client. I also did not love how hot the classroom was. I get that you want us to sweat but cardio can do that.. you don't need a heated studio. I did LOVE Monique. She really pushes you and gives you a good workout. I am very sore today and thank her for that.

  • en

    A Wang


    I had a great class with Kendra! The studio is gorgeous and the class was challenging-- I can definitely feel the SoulCycle aspect of it and can't wait to come back soon to try out other classes. The only drawback is the lack of showers but besides that, an overall great experience.

  • Jen Fraenkel

    Jen Fraenkel


    I really love SoulCycle in general and Moniques classes in particular so I was very happy to see that this place was opening and that Monique would be teaching a HIIT class. The class was amazing.... wonderfully tough and very well planned and taught. It went by super quickly and by the end, I'd had one of the hardest workouts in recent memory and every muscle I have felt sore and satisfied in equal measure. It's the perfect compliment to SoulCycle classes and really worked all the muscles that aren't emphasized on the bike. I can't wait to go back. The facilities are lovely, brand new and the bathrooms are nice, spacious and well appointed. There are no showers which is too bad... but when you leave class you're presented with cool, wet towels that are unscented or lightly perfumes with lavender. It's no shower but they're really nice. As always the front desk staff are lovely and very helpful.

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