Soul Fighters Brewster Brazilian Jiu Jitsu i Brewster

Forenede StaterSoul Fighters Brewster Brazilian Jiu Jitsu



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1620, New York 22, 10509, Brewster, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-582-0076
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.4289194, Longitude: -73.5758576

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anthony Russo


    I have been training under Professor Filipe Costa & Professor Paul Ciatto for a little over 2 years! I have been grappling (wrestling/ BJJ) since the age of 12, I currently hold a rank of Purple belt in BJJ. Paul & Filipe aren't just Professors they are Friends that care about the results that you are looking for. The Soul fighters association is growing tremendously every year & cause of that we have many world class black belts that come in & cross train with us! If you are looking for a serious gym that you can have many laughs at the same time Soul Fighters Brewster NY is for you! P.s. This place really is awesome it's a A world gym/Bjj school that's all in one membership! A two for one deal! Also they are currently expanding!

  • Jack Walker

    Jack Walker


    Great school, great people and always fun! State of the art training facility!

  • en

    marc drouin


    If you need to get better and learn new techniques, soul fighter Brewster is the place to go. Filipe Costa and Paul Ciatto are great trainers and will make sure you get personalized training to improve your game.

  • Michael Palladino

    Michael Palladino


    World Class facility. Two great Blackbelt instructors. On a daily basis there can be anywhere from 2-10 Blackbelts on the mats helping students.

  • en

    Paul Ciatto


    If you're looking for the most professional instruction where all the instructors are black belts , always on time and will teach to every level in the room? This is the place to be. The facility is second to none. The most state of the art academy in Putnam County , NY and Western CT

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