Sorelle Furniture w East Rutherford

Stany ZjednoczoneSorelle Furniture


brak informacji

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46, Whelan Road, 07073, East Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-531-1919
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8217185, Longitude: -74.0939313

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicholas Lago


    My wife has been stressing me out over this Sorelle furniture....I called direct had the pleasure of speaking to Mark, very helpful offer delivery and said they’d put together. Great experience so far we will see the overall experience once the furniture arrives.

  • en

    Amanda Alberta


    I recently ordered the Sorelle Alex 4-in-1 crib and double dresser, and I absolutely love it!! The quality of the furniture is excellent, and everyone was so professional. They delivered both pieces and even put it together for me, which was a HUGE help! Definitely going back to get the conversion kit and would recommend buying furniture here to anyone! Great, easy, and stress-free experience overall!!

  • en

    Jessica Welch


    We ordered the Sorelle Finley collection dresser and full size bed in gray. It is absolutely stunning! The furniture is high quality and very sturdy. These are classic pieces and I’m certain that they will last for a very long time. Also, Sorelle’s customer service and delivery is excellent-polite, curteous and prompt. Very pleased overall. Highly recommend!

  • Sonia Amorim-Singh

    Sonia Amorim-Singh


    I registered with Babies R US and wanted the Sorelle Furniture but had some questions the sales rep was not able to answer for me. I called the company directly spoke to the customer service department and was able to get all the questions I needed from them. They were kind and courteous. I was unsure if this is the furniture I wanted but dealing with them solidified my decision. Once I got t the furniture delivered it was beautiful, sturdy, good quality. I was surprised to hear about the negative feedback as my experience was nothing but pleasant. Looking to buy my secon set for the next addition!

  • en

    The Hughes'


    I bought a crib about 3 months ago before I had my baby, upon opening the box I realized it had no hardware. I contacted the company and was told I had to pay for the hardware. I sent off the money order well over a week ago, I have tried calling the company well over 20 times and have got no answer. I also wrote them an email and also got no answer. I would just like for them to at least let me know if they received my money and if they are going to ship it/have shipped it yet. This looks very bad for business. & not only that my child has no crib which I payed money for. It is just siting in his room waiting to be set up.

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