Sorella Boutique w Los Angeles

Stany ZjednoczoneSorella Boutique



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7829, Melrose Avenue, 90046, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 323-852-3253
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0839411, Longitude: -118.3603253

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stephanie Lopez


    Save yourself a headache and do not order from them. I put in my order Feb. 9 it is now a week from April and hasnt been shipped. I can’t even get the whereabouts of my order. Personally called and didn’t answer, personally emailed them and did not write back. Horrible service at its finest.

  • en

    Keri Par


    Dont buy from here youre totally gona regret it. Worst customer service meaning they dont care about their customers. They dont care if youre returning an item, thy dont care if u have a question, they dont care about anything. Second is, CHEAP QUALITY. THEY ARE ALL CHEAP MATERIAL. If you are all about comfort dont buy here. Their clothes are so cheap they look like clothes they sell in the streets of hong kong or china. Its just blatantly cheap. You will not get refunded of your money so if u dont like it which you will. You will get a store credit and then you will not even find anything u like because you realise the quality is just not even worth it. Im never buying here again i consider this store non existent.

  • Emily Phillips

    Emily Phillips


    Favorite place to shop in LA! They have everything you could ever need and the pieces are always on trend, which is super important to my wardrobe. The store is cool as well - loved taking my pic next to the neon sign! #GirlsTour

  • Carmella Taylor

    Carmella Taylor


    Ordered online and been to the store everyone was really nice and helpful. Love shopping here ❤️

  • Carli Knox

    Carli Knox


    I was in LA from CT about a month ago and I went into the store. The girls in the store were helpful and nice. I picked up a few items and next time I'm in LA I'm going back. And the "Girls Tour" wall is DOPE!

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