Son's Prestige Collision w Garwood

Stany ZjednoczoneSon's Prestige Collision



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7, South Avenue, 07027, Garwood, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 908-789-2020
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.652623, Longitude: -74.314342

komentarze 5

  • Umesh Gureja

    Umesh Gureja


    Very impressed with their personalism and commitment. Staff was very prompt and courteous. They completed work before estimated time and sent me regular updates on the progress. Job was completed to better than expected satisfaction and the car was returned very clean.

  • en

    Brian McNanna


    I brought my car here last Wednesday and they expected to have the car done in a week and half. They called me yesterday ( a week after I brought it in) and said it was complete. Their service was great, kept me updated throughtout through process. I would definitely go back again, but hopefully won't need to.

  • en

    Regina Novicky


    I am very unhappy with the service provided at Son's bodyart. It was only 1 of 2 choices given to me by State Farm to fix my car. They first promised me that my car would only take 1 week to fix. I was then informed that the computer estimated it wrong and it would take 2 weeks putting a burden on my mother whose car i was borrowing. I pick up the car and I was informed that they did not put on the striping as it had not come in during the previous 2 weeks. I would have to come back I took the car home and then the battery died and I had to have it towed to my garage to get a new battery causing me to have to borrow my mother's car even longer. So that was another $163 I had to put out. Upon informing Son's they said, oh sorry about that but we can give you a free waxing on your car. Really!!!! I would not recommend Son's to anyone as it seems the computer is not good at time estimation, they are unable to complete the job even in the new time frame given, and they think a free wax on the car equals the amount I had to pay for a new battery.

  • en



    Sons did a good job but had to come back 5 times and the car was dirty not even washed will not be bring it back

  • en

    Jeff Domingues


    A tree limb fell on my car and caused a lot of damage. My insurance company sent someone to my house while I wasn't home even after my request to send someone there while I was home. They under estimated the work and refused to adjust it. I took the car to Sons Bodyart and they took complete car of the car. They made sure that 100% of the damage was repaired and made sure that Geico didn't try to cheap me on the repairs. Sons called me every week with updates insuring that everything was taken care of. Geico would only pay for after market parts that did not fit and were of a cheaper quality. Sons reps made sure to get OEM parts and did a great job. My 2013 Subaru WRX looks like new. I thank them and thank Brian for the great work. I Recommend Sons completely.

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