Sonora Glass en Phoenix

Estados UnidosSonora Glass


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2240 E Broadway St, Phoenix, Az 85040, Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA
contactos teléfono: +1 602-373-3692
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4072163, Longitude: -112.0327076

comentarios 3

  • Fuchsia Angel

    Fuchsia Angel


    I would highly recommend Sonora Glass to anyone! They provided emergency window replacement service on a Friday night after hours. They fabricated and installed a custom sized dual pane window within a period of 2 hours. On top of the great service, the price was fantastic. Thanks!

  • en

    A Google User


    They will give you a free estamit hire them they will give you a good price trust me they are the best

  • en

    A Google User


    I called to have a window replaced and was told that someone would be at my house the next day at 4pm. I got home from work at 3:30p by 4:30p I was starting to worry. I gave a call and was told the dispatcher had an emergency and the paper work didn't get to the guy so he didn't know to come fix the window. Spoke to the guy who was supposed to fix the window and he ASSURED me he would be there the next day WHAT EVER time I wanted. I said 4pm was a good time so we agreed to meet at 4pm. WELL! THAT is today and it's 5pm he is again a NO SHOW and I have been calling and I get nothing but voice mail or a busy signal. DON'T HIRE THIS PERSON!! SCAM! UNRELIABLE!!!

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