Sonny's Pianos en Port Jefferson

Estados UnidosSonny's Pianos



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1507, Main Street, 11777, Port Jefferson, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-475-8046
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9360871, Longitude: -73.0561189

comentarios 2

  • Brutal Pudgee

    Brutal Pudgee


    Great showroom... Beautiful pianos!!!

  • en

    Victoria Falcone


    I contacted Sonny when I was looking to purchase a unique and beautiful sounding used piano. Purchasing a used piano can be a bit of a gamble. I hired a piano technician in my area to evaluate 4 different used pianos for me prior to calling Sonny. There were some good choices but non seemed to completely fit my requirements. I didn't want a project. Minor things were fine but the piano had to be in excellent condition not in need of any major repairs for many years. Sonny spent time on the phone with me to really understand what I was looking for in an instrument. I was a professional level clarinet player in the past but wanted to get back to playing the piano. Because I am a musician at heart, the sound quality of the piano was very important to me. After much searching I decided that Bosendorfer or Steinway would be my only choices. I also wanted a larger instrument and decided on at least a Steinway B or larger. Sonny had several pianos that interested me but he suggested a Santos Rosewood Steinway B that was in excellent condition with a beautiful tone. I sent an independent piano technician to evaluate the instrument since I live about 4 hours away. They confirmed the piano was everything Sonny said it to be. Excellent condition. Beautiful singing tone. My husband then took the train up to Bohemia where they picked him up and took him to the store. They helped with every step of the transaction. I asked if he could get a piano disc player installed and deliver it by Easter ( that was less then a week from purchase). It all came together as promised. The piano settled for a few weeks and then Sonny sent someone to tweak it to my liking and perfect the tuning post move. I am really grateful to Sonny for his personal customer service and helping me find a piano that I really love. I spent a lot of time searching for a piano....and also educating myself regarding pricing. You can't beat his pricing. I think my piano is worth about $10000 more than I paid and his pricing on the Piano Disc player was outstanding. I would definitely give Sonny a call if you are searching for a used quality instrument.

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