Sonic Drive-In en Fullerton

Estados UnidosSonic Drive-In



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441, North Placentia Avenue, 92831, Fullerton, Orange County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 714-223-1415
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8747928, Longitude: -117.8793184

comentarios 5

  • Analisa Ayers

    Analisa Ayers


    I mean I lik it. They food was pretty goo Igor the bugs spicy jumbo. The comicerials are scry. Only wish it was astronut themes

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    Michael Anderson


    Sat in my car waiting more than 30 minutes after ordering two drinks. Cars on either side of me got their orders, ate, and left before anyone approached my car. Got out and complained. They supposedly checked my order, made my drinks, and gave them to me for free. Polite enough... but I still got the wrong drinks! I just left. Maybe some day I will be motivated to try them again, but not any time soon.

  • Thomas Wyatt

    Thomas Wyatt


    Standard Sonic. Food is good here. Though this time when ordering a classic chicken sandwich I got no lettuce or tomato. That was annoying. Otherwise all other visits have been fine. Service is average. Location is nice in that there are plenty of spaces. If you are going to Sonic, this one is a good one, would come again.

  • Yvonne Ortiz

    Yvonne Ortiz


    The Banana Shakes are to die for! Every time my husband and I are in the area, we make a pit stop at Sonic for one of their delicious ice cream shakes. There are always plenty of parking spaces and the service has been great every time.

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    Christina Laird


    Love this place. Every time my family and I are ready to go home from Disneyland, we stop here. Everyone is very friendly and they get our order right every time. A great variety if drinks.

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