Soho Studio Corporation i New York

Forenede StaterSoho Studio Corporation



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800, Snediker Avenue, 11207, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-677-8453
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6549835, Longitude: -73.8976449

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sam D


    We just started carrying their products recently. Their service is very fast from order to delivery and the product is superior. I have really benefited from their displays and marketing information. I will be a frequent Soho Studio customer!

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    Yamamoto Quadesrates


    All designers have to do is to Google "Power of Creativity" mentioned on their boards or to Google the name of a tile and series, and Soho's name will come up on line. Designers call them to buy direct. You'll never sell to a designer again. Very deceptive. Why don't they open up their own stores throughout the country instead of taking retailers for a ride?? Porcelanosa has 30 stores. They also sell through "TILE BAR" on line at a discounted price. Even at a discounted price they make more money sending your customers shopping at TILE BAR. The fix: hide their labels in the back, or better: get rid of them. Everything in the tile business starts in a showroom. They steal all your important, repeat customers while you are giving them free advertising.

  • Phillip Belloff

    Phillip Belloff


    Amazing products, love working with the company

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    Kasstageule Enski


    Retailers should know that this company advertise themselves for free in showrooms across the country. Their operation is very deceptive. They have 2 back doors. First they sell direct on line at a discount under the name TILE BAR which will force a brick and mortar to match their online price if they want to sell anything beside the fact that after demonstrating a tile in their showroom a customer can always go buy the tile directly on line. Second deceptive practice: they dont put their name on their displays writing instead "Power of Creativity" but this information on Google will take you directly to them. Designers will call them to buy direct at dealer's price after being set up with an account, the lead cleared by a local territory representative who visit also your showroom.They have been to great lent to hide their act. The damage is great and irreparable with designers as they are lost across the board. A responsible showroom cannot mix exclusive material with material that a vendor will sell directly to your customers.

  • Ramon Yanluis

    Ramon Yanluis


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