Social Status w Tampa

Stany ZjednoczoneSocial Status



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1505, West Swann Avenue, 33606, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 813-999-1826
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 27.9374624, Longitude: -82.4752196

komentarze 5

  • chris jones

    chris jones


    A serious waste of time when it comes to exclusive releases. Highly unfair and will take my money somewhere that’s fair and much more organized. What a bad experience, don’t waste your time here.

  • en

    Juan Garcia


    Don’t waste your time coming for the “First come first serve”. They announce it as first come first serve but once you get there everyone tells you there was a “raffle” the day before and people who got tickets get the shoes. They say line starts at 6 am and no camping but there’s people lined up across the street around 2 am. Most unorganized release I’ve been to, never wasting my time for a release here again.

  • en

    Jesus Rivera


    Has to be the most unorganized release ive ever been to. Two different lines and the instagram said first come first serve but people got wristbands for raffles, dont waste your time here

  • Drew



    Place is a joke. They tell you a release is first come first serve to line up across the street, then the next day when you get there they tell you " we gave out tickets last night" and then the same 10 people just happen to always get tickets for big releases. Some family of 5 with little kids (daddy spends money in the store im sure) The chance of non favored customers getting anything is impossible. best quote was from the manager " We dont backdoor pairs, we dont even have a back door" then the next week for a pharrell raffle coincidentally the same family all wins pairs.

  • en

    Jack Holtrup


    Friendly knowledgeable staff that was willing to spend time helping me

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