Social Fare Denver Dining & Drinks w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneSocial Fare Denver Dining & Drinks



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150 Clayton Lane, Ground Floor, Denver, CO 80206, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 303-253-3000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7188876, Longitude: -104.9556206

komentarze 5

  • Jennifer Tuder

    Jennifer Tuder


    We ate breakfast on a normal Saturday morning. While the food was fine, it did not justify the $15/plate price. Neither did the service, which was strangely sub-par. Our seating was delayed because the host couldn't locate enough menus. When I asked for a fork after the food had been delivered, the server completely forgot to bring one. I had to ask another server for it. The menu could bee more interesting and the service could be a lot better trained. If you have another breakfast option, I would take it.

  • David Lee

    David Lee


    Happy hour in the bar was cozy and warm on a cool December Friday. Blackberry Bramble and the Dark and Stormy cocktails were awesome. The Carne asada taco was yummy. The calamari could use a tad more seasoning. But let's get this clear, it was cooked perfectly, perfect thin crust, and there were peppers, crunchy fried capers, and olives! Good God man, olives fried with the calamari. Brilliant!

  • Sandra Simms

    Sandra Simms


    Awesome people watching. The fire pit is amazing on a chilly evening. A little pricy.

  • en

    Hunter Hicks


    After being told we could sit around the fire pit and receive service, we managed to get none. A big group for 40the birthday celebration. An hour we spent trying to get a single order of drinks. We had to go to the bar ourselves for everything, including running our credit cards. What a joke. Never seen a big group leave ZERO for tips. People were furious. Utterly non existent service. DO NOT GIVE YOUR BUSINESS to these lazy people.

  • en

    Lawrence Martin


    Lunch was pretty good. The chicken Caesar salad definitely hit the spot. They have a great lunch menu that is pretty affordable for the Cherry Creek area and the view of the courtyard is gorgeous. It's a pretty quiet place during the lunch hour which was food because we didn't have a reservation. The food came out quickly and it was delicious. Absolutely a great stop during a day of shopping or for a business meeting.

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