Smokey's Tobacco Shop 2 w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneSmokey's Tobacco Shop 2



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2255, Southwest 32nd Avenue, 33145, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 305-442-1420
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7487453, Longitude: -80.2461074

komentarze 5

  • Alejandro Casatti

    Alejandro Casatti


    I love this shop, the owner is so inviting and loving it's hard to stand it. Super great prices from pipes to screens to resin formulas this shop has it ALL. convenient location and free parking on the side of the building. Looking forward to doing much more business with smokeys #burnon

  • en

    Facundo G


    Awesome customer service. I always find what i want. Calm enviroment and no rush service makes me come here a lot.

  • Jessica Ortega

    Jessica Ortega


    Elaine is the best! Such great service here. Elaine was extremely helpful and knowledgeable and I will definitely be coming back.

  • Treniese Stubbs

    Treniese Stubbs


    Dude! If you're looking for a place that has nothing but good vibes, quality pieces, and amazing customer service, THIS IS IT! There has never been a time that I've walked in and haven't walked out smiling. They're always having raffles, always have great brands, always well stocked And if I can't what I'm looking for, they'll call around and see if the other stores have it. They legit show their customers mad love.

  • en

    Pyro Ranger


    I absolutely love this place! The employees here are always helpful and super friendly. I can count on this store for great pieces of awesome quality. Every time I walk in there I usually walk out with a one of a kind piece. Support your local shops! Check this place out. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

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