Smog King w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneSmog King



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3095, Fremont Street, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-385-7664
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1510012, Longitude: -115.1066964

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lori Felix


    They made me feel like a millionaire the customer service was fantastic my car got 3 years ago is still running very nice car Grand Marquis keep the good work up guys I'll be seeing you soon

  • Lory Cure

    Lory Cure


    I never knew you had a website, I have to give you five stars, I brought my car three years ago and she still ticking,But I think I need an up grade. Be seeing you soon. P.s. customer service was awesome as well

  • Scott Whitney

    Scott Whitney


    They honor all coupons from any other Smog place. Friendly and good people.

  • Savvy



    Bought a ford explorer from them a while ago. Turns out the transmission was slipping, I called they asked me to tow it down to them and that they'd work with trading it in .I paid almost 2k for this truck, and they refused to help once I arrived. Literally avoided me when I got the truck up there, so I left the damn thing and went home . I'm pretty sure they just did a patch job on the car and sold it to another chump. Lets not forget about the fact that they took a 3 months to mail me my title ,I had received a ticket because of that. They're scam artist , they lie , cheat , and steal. DON'T BUY FROM THEM. You'll regret it.

  • en

    Sonia Prado


    This place isn't even worth a 1 star rating!!!!!!!! They are a total rip off!!!!!!!!!!! My sister bought a car, cash from this place and went to the DMV to register the vehicle and they told her she couldn't because An auction place has a lean on the title!!!!!!!!!! And they don't want to trade her car or give her money back!!!!!! Sorry a** people!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's ur five stars! 😡😡😡😡😡

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