Smart Pest Solutions w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneSmart Pest Solutions



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5025, South Ash Avenue, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-621-8438
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3792667, Longitude: -111.940328

komentarze 5

  • Allison Dollmeyer

    Allison Dollmeyer


    We use Smart Pest Solutions at the community where I work and they are amazing. Office is always prompt with responding to emails and when we call someone is always available to speak with even after hours for emergency's. The service technicians are knowledgeable, polite and professional and they work as hard as they can with our office and our residents to provide the best solution as quickly as possible. I would highly recommend Smart Pest to anyone who is in need.

  • en

    Andrew Anderson


    I Had crickets overwhelming my home. And after Smart Pest sprayed, there were no more crickets and I have not seen one since.

  • en

    Gene Filippo


    They treated my place a month ago for termites. They are back and they spread like the flu. I have a tunnel of mud with termites going directly into my couch. Find another exterminator.

  • Ryan Christians

    Ryan Christians


    I didn't choose these smucks, our property Management group did. These guys don't know what spiders are apparently. Told my office to have them respray my patio, and of course they didn't. They told the office they did. So I went to home Depot and bought Ortho and sprayed under my threshold and overhang myself. Low and behold about 20 spiders started crawling up the wall

  • Devie Gentry

    Devie Gentry


    I use them at my property. Always had a good experience. I have had the same technician Justin for 2 years. I never had that with Burns, it was always a new guy. Justin is great, so is Dwight my rep. I really like them and will continue to use them. Thank you!

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