Small World Dental - Pediatric Dentist and Orthodontist en New York

Estados UnidosSmall World Dental - Pediatric Dentist and Orthodontist



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6795, Hylan Boulevard, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-2412
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5080412, Longitude: -74.2298451

comentarios 5

  • en

    Joseph Martino


    I do not know how to respond because that was the 1st review I have ever written. You do not have a customer with my name? My son has the same name as me and you have creditors calling my house for him. There is no need to call you any lomnger. As i stated earlier, I spent over $3,000.00 with you and you didnt allow me to make an appointment over $26.00. Lie all you want. I would have written the review under a fake name if I was not telling the truth.

  • en

    lola babe


    Friendly. Very professional. Very knowledgeable. Very child friendly.vey clean

  • Joel Richards

    Joel Richards


    Doctors Sinha and Michael and their entire team are amazing! They are kind and caring dentists who makes all their patients and families feel at ease. They take the time to explain great brushing and diet habits and make each patient feel special! I would highly recommend this office.

  • en

    Annie Ch


    The worst experience ever!!!!! This is not a place to take a 2 year or younger child. The doctor cannot handle it. He may be better with bigger kids but not my child. Her 4 front teeth needed to be extracted, which i think could have been handled in a better way. He also then told me that you cant put the partial denture in her teeth shes too young and that her jaw growth would be affected . I went to 2 other places and they told me he misguided me. Finally found the perfect place and so happy. I went through a tramatic experience and so did my 2 year old. Please be careful. Just writing this honest review to tell parents the truth. Not a place for toddlers. I love how the receptionist calls me after reading this and gives me a pissy attitude, shows how they truly don't care about their patients.

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    Daneen Gentile


    All four of my daughters have been patients at Small World Dental . The staff is so kind and amazing. All of the doctors are so professional and caring individuals that take their time explaining everything to the parents as well as the child. This ensures my children have always been comfortable in the chair. I have also needed to bring my child in as an emergency once and they were so accommodating. They have great hours for working parents, and weekend hours as well. In addition to pediatric dentistry, they also have an Orthodontist. Two of my children had braces through this office and their smile is amazing!! Wish I could give them more than 5 stars and the girls wish they could continue going here as adults!!

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