SM Hair Salon i Palisades Park

Forenede StaterSM Hair Salon



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42, Broad Avenue, 07650, Palisades Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-945-5105
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8432115, Longitude: -74.0010053

kommentar 5

  • Elena Kim

    Elena Kim


    They are professionals . Joy and Yoori are the professionals. Cutting every hair on your head with care and accuracy. Treating everyone with respect and following customers desires. Will go there all the time

  • Angelo Chung

    Angelo Chung


    no issues for the past 8 years

  • en

    g hahn


    all staffs are friendly and the place is clean. it offers a VIP program which offers different extra perks like free hair treatment and if you sign up for $500 package, they give you $600 (20%extra). depending on the day of the week, it could be very busy so be sure to call and make an appointment few days in advance. The price is reasonable - women cut starts from $40 and men's $30; mid-length woman digital perm starts from $120.

  • en

    Eunhea Hahn


    parking is easy because it has Its own lot which is hard to find in Palisades Park. the staffs are friendly and they are professionals with good attitude.

  • Sei Lee

    Sei Lee


    Only place I go for my haircut. MJ is the best!

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